Monday, November 28, 2011

Updated Player Homework

There are several things we have discussed and worked on in practice so far that we will really be focusing on going forward. 

Before practice on Friday 12/2, please watch the videos below as a reminder of the topics we will be working on.  Please watch carefully because these will be a huge help over the next several practices.

This link will bring you to the first video....Breakout Techniques and Tips

Great New Video Up

We've been working a lot on the breakout lately and I just posted a great new video on the subject on the video page.  I would strongly urge you to check it out along with the homework video I posted yesterday.  Both are very important.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Player Homework!!

Keeping possession of the puck in the other team's zone is important so we can do two things:

1.  Get scoring chances on the other team's goalie
2.  Keep the puck away from our goalie.

In order to do that, one of the things we have talked about is cycling the puck in the offensive zone.  Please watch the video below to prepare for our practice on Friday 12/2.  If you would like to watch it in full screen, you can follow this link.

Make sure you watch carefully!  This will definitely help you in practice!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

New Video Page

I have posted a new Videos page that contains several good videos the kids should watch. They all have to do with various aspects of the game that we have or will be working on.  Since many kids are visual learners, it should be good for them to see it on film.  It may make more sense.  Enjoy.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Great Video for Forwards!

Here's a great video I found talking about a lot of the things we've been discussing over the last few weeks with the breakout.  In practice we were talking about opening up to provide a target and put yourself in position to move up ice. Pay close attention to the 1:30-2:00 section of the video.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Ordering Terriers Team Apparel

Karen DiCenzo will be placing an order for team jackets and pants.  Parents should check their email for ordering instructions.  Please place all orders by Monday, November 6th.

Niagara Falls Tournament

The coaches would like to enter the team in the Niagara Jr. Purple Eagles tournament in Niagara Falls, NY on President's Day Weekend (February 18-20th) which is the first weekend of February vacation for most players. 

Please check the details of the tournament on the Niagara Falls Tournament page and confirm with the coaches whether you will be attending.  This is a great tournament and a great trip, and we would like to have the entire team share in the experience.  Please confirm by November 9th so we can finalize arrangements.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Bruins Game Video - Offensive Triangle

This video is a great example from the Bruins game this week of something we've been working on in practice and games - creating that triangle in the offensive zone. 

Watch how the puck carrier (F1) takes the puck wide, the 2nd guy into the zone (F2) goes to the net and the last guy into the zone (F3) stays higher in the zone as a trailer.  Look for the triangle.  It works!!